Planetary Art Report DOOT Festival 2012, San Juan del Río, Querétaro, Mexico.

Publicado por Unidad de Ciencias Noosféricas Mexxicamelot




By: Hun Ik
The galactic maya year of the blue resonant storm, so expected, has finally arrived. As every year from the beginning of the nineties, we celebrate all over the world the Day Out of Time Festival this past July 25th.
The kin or sign of this day was the White Rythmic Mirror. A day to balance the reflection of endlessness. A day to potenciate the in lak’ech, the reflection of oneself onto others, the realization of I am another you and You are another me.

For the third time, the Noospheric Sciences Unit Mexxicamelot organized the Day Out of Time Festival in the city of San Juan del Río, in the state of Querétaro, in México. The first festival took place in 2008, the second in 2009, in 2010 there was a small gathering in San Joaquín, and this year we picked up this Festival, thanks to the loving support of family and friends.

It was a great surprise that this Festival materialized. The political moment that is taking place in Mexico made it difficult to get the attention and support of people to manifest it... but sometimes, the energy that a dream pulses is more powerful, and in two weeks, the festival was organized. The calling was made to artists, ecologists, animal protectors, and the festival began to take shape.

For the first part of the Festival, we asked permission to the municipality to begin the activities in a public space, close to the San Juan River, known as Foro Reto Río. That is where we inaugurated the festival with tribal dances by Grupo Beso Gitano.

Afterwards, we made the Prayer to the Seven Galactic Directions as a group, as well as the Rainbow Bridge Meditation, and the Blessings of the Waters of the planet, as was requested some years ago by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

We ended this first part of the Festival, being in touch with nature, connecting as one, in one heartbeat.

Then, we went to the other venue for the Festival, the Auditorium of CANACO SERVYTUR San Juan del Río. The first conference was given at noon, with the title Law of Time and the Closing of the Cycle, given by the Coordinator of NSU Mexxicamelot, Aida Seguin.

The second conference was given an hour later, with the title: Who's in charge? You, your mind or your environment, by Raymond Seguin. The Quantum Leap that we are experimenting through the closing of the cycle was discussed in this presentation.

Aida Seguin, NSU Mexxicamelot's Coordinator
giving a diploma to Raymond Seguin for his participation.

At 2 p.m. the movie “HIM: Beyond Light”, the true story of René Mey was projected.

At 4 p.m., the music began! The first band to arrive was Juan Peres Band, amazing local talent who sang “Dust in the Wind”, “Todo Cambia” y “Este Mundo Va”, to mention some songs.

Aida Seguin, NSU Mexxicamelot's Coordinator
giving a diploma to Juan Peres Band for their participation.

We also had an art show by Arte Niño

Continuing with music, Andrés Pichardo took the stage, with Music from Mexico and the World, singing classics like New York, New York and Granada.

Aida Seguin, NSU Mexxicamelot's Coordinator
giving a diploma to Andrés Pichardo for his participation.

At 5 p.m., a grou of kin celebrated with a sweat lodge in another venue, to receive the beginning of the new ring with tons of energy and vitality. The kin who attended shared with is that it was a magical and purifying event.

Coming back to the activities in  CANACO, afterwards, we had a conference with the animal protection group ANIMANIA SJR, with the topic: Street Animals. It was given by Engineer Itzel Zapata Martín, and this particular conference helped us all understand the importance of taking care of our pets and rescuing those animals living in the streets.

The Group Animania was present all day long with the kin from Mexxicamelot, supporting and sharing their energy to benefit this event.

Aida Seguin, NSU Mexxicamelot's Coordinator
giving a diploma to Animania SJR for their participation.

After the conference, Ángela Miranda, the angel of mexican song, delighted us with her melodious voice. She sang many songs from her album, and just as in every DOOT Festival organized by Mexxicamelot, she accompanied us and illuminated our event with her presence.

Ángela Miranda, with Connie Sorcia and Aida Seguin, 
kin from Mexxicamelot.

The final conference presented was with the topic The Closing of the Cycle and the Renovation of Mexico 2012-2013, by Aida Seguin, by the Coordinator of NSU Mexxicamelot

In this conference, we talked about the Wavespell of this ring, its relationship with the prophecies of Quetzalcóatl (kin: Red Magnetic Skywalker), the prophecies of Pacal Votan (Kin: Yellow Galactic Sun), the prophetic dates of the Harmonic Convergence (Blue Electric Eagle and Yellow Self-Existing Warrior), as well as the energy of the Resonant Blue Storm, the role of Valum Votan /José Argüelles in the remembrance of this very necessary information to understand the enormous synchronies that Mexico and the world are living in this closing of the cycle.

The time is now and the place is here.

After the conference, we also gave a diploma to Horacio Diego, who was an inspiration to manifest this festival and connected us with various local media to promote the event, and to Christian Morales, who got us the venue at the CANACO Auditorium to have a place to celebrate.
Horacio Diego, Christian Morales and Aida Seguin.

And as in every event, we arrived to the closing ceremony; we took our hands and sang “Imagine” by John Lennon in spanish, as a small tribute to Valum Votan, remembering that in his last visit to Mexico, we sang this very song with him in Cancún; and closing on a high note, Andrés Pichardo and María Fernanda Barrón sang to us the aria “Nessun Dorma”, and we did a dynamic of hugging each other heart to heart.

This is how we celebrated this Day Out of Time Festival of the White Rythmic Mirror in San Juan del Río with the kin of the Noospheric Sciences Unit Mexxicamelot, and with honorary friends, family and people who responded to our calling to prepare to receive the ring of the Blue Resonant Storm, unified and pulsing from the heart, as One in the Noosphere.

To know more about the festival, watch pictures and video, visit or look for us in Facebook and twitter: Mexxicamelot.

May the ring of the closing of the cycle be fruitful and lead us to realize the rainbow bridge! 

Manifest the Rainbow Bridge

In lak’ech! –Aida Seguin, Galactic Agent 222 Hun Ik, Coordinator of Noospheric Sciences Unit Mexxicamelot.

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