For the Ceremony for Votan.

Publicado por Unidad de Ciencias Noosféricas Mexxicamelot

Dear Planetary Kin,

For those who will be holding vigil or ceremony for Votan at noon (Pacific
standard time)
on Cosmic Monkey (March 25),can you please read the following poem written
by Votan's twin brother Ivan. Ivan wishes that the poem be read for his
brother's send-off.

Thank you--Stephanie/RQ


For Jose, by Ivan Arguelles

here is where we part , yours is the section to the left numbered Zero

, mine has been carefully removed , together we had searched , together

we , came apart , magnify not the dank spot , tomorrow is a definite

improbability , hush , ponder , whiten this page over , who is the

deity of the step-ladder ? pray we must to his numen , washed in grief

the thumbnail , the human portion in its inch , look then to the Stars!


Noogenesis Meditation Vow by Valum Votan. (This is a powerful vow to remind
us of our unity and reactivate our shared star mission. You might want to
read this aloud during any ceremony or vigil you may do for him).

We who take this vow are the nameless ones
Sent here from afar - on other world systems
The time has come for us to fulfill
The ancient pledge we took to be as one
In the enactment of our sacred duty
One breath are we to become
One life, one sacred bond
In order to lift up this Earth
Into its memory among the stars


Is the name of our assignment
Only by the nameless ones
Can this assignment be completed
One breath, one life, one sacred bond


The vow to be fulfilled-
We take this vow in meditation
That all beings may be freed
A new world be born
And the Rainbow be the light of consciousness
Guiding us all into the Infinite One

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